Spam is annoying. For years, ISPs have been doing everything they can to prevent (well, mitigate) spam. One way they do this is to block outgoing traffic on Port 25 (the default port for SMTP email). Unfortunately, when I set up Postfix, I used the default settings — because getting email to work was much tougher than I expected and I didn't want to make things any more interesting than I had to!
Each of the common components used in workflows of the Istarel Workshop Application Framework have default templates for rendering. They take a common sense approach to how each component (like a list or form) should be displayed. However, there are many cases where the default template does not quite meet the needs of a particular application module.
One of the more tedious elements of any application is managing model object classes. Fortunately, the Istarel Workshop Application Framework has a command line ORM tool that automatically creates (or updates) model objects based on the database schema.