Implementing jQuery UI in a Web Application

A lot of people thought I was crazy for wanting to develop my own PHP framework, and 1400 hours of discovery and development later, they may have a point. At the end of the day, though, I have an extremely powerful and flexible framework for making database-driven web applications. Where even I drew the line, however, was with javascript. I made the decision to use jQuery because its design philosophy seems similar to my own.

SEO-friendly URLs

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a discipline that helps web sites stand out to internet search engines. Making a web site friendly to search engines involves favoring text over images, identifying important keywords of interest in searches, and using heading tags to emphasize key features of individual pages. One aspect that can implemented in the Istarel Workshop Application Framework (IWAF) is SEO-friendly URLs.

Handle Bad Page Requests in a Web Application

A common error in web applications is failed navigation. In some cases, the user has mistyped a URL; in other cases, the internal navigation of a web site is flawed. In (hopefully) rare cases, users are attempting some shenanigans.